Digital implantology leads to extraordinary results in the treatment of missing teeth with dental implant, given the precision, accuracy and speed of execution with which the treatment is performed. Thanks to specialists and advanced technology, we are proud to offer our patients the highest quality treatments.
Digital planning
The planning of a dental implant start start with the final,respectively with the future tooth, virtual future. At Smile Dent, surgical guides are used for greater accuracy and layout in complex cases treated with dental implants. They are 3D printed based on digital planning implanted in specialized care software using patient tomography.
Are you ready for a new stage of digital evolution?
Three-dimensional radiological investigation
Thanks to dental tomography, we can insert the implant in the ideal position. Based on 3D images, we have the opportunity to thoroughly investigate the hard maxillary structures (bones and teeth), bone density, existing anatomical formations, pathological formations, etc.
Three-dimensional radiological investigation
Thanks to dental tomography, we can insert the implant in the ideal position. Based on 3D images, we have the opportunity to thoroughly investigate the hard maxillary structures (bones and teeth), bone density, existing anatomical formations, pathological formations, etc.